Steel windows are the architects choice for just about every kind of building. Steel windows are incredibly versatile in that they can evoke both a modern and bold look or conversely give the feel of classic style. Let’s discuss the five key benefits of choosing steel windows for your building. Whether it be a home, commercial structure, hospital, school, or public building.
Narrow Site Lines
The first reason to choose steel windows is their narrow sight lines. When people think of steel windows the quality most often associated with them is their narrow sight lines. As a consequence over centuries, this attribute has been incorporated into just about every kind of building. The materials massive and incredible strength allows for this minimalism in regards to sight lines. Other materials such as aluminum, vinyl, or wood, simply do not have the integrity to allow for maintaining their structure while having narrow sight lines.
Strength of Steel Windows
The second major benefit of choosing steel windows is their strength. Head-to-head aluminum is three times weaker than steel. The advantage offered by steel’s inherent strength also allows for steel windows to hold glass lights of immense size and offer astonishing openings. This also allows for the use of ventilators which in steel windows do not rack with age or distort.
Versatility of The Material
The third reason to two steel windows is the versatility of the material. Whether the building has a gothic theme, is a more traditional structure, or highly modern, steel windows compliment the look of the building’s exterior and interior. Municipal buildings, churches, universities, private homes, commercial buildings, manufacturing facilities, transit terminals, hospitals, and retail establishments have all benefited from using steel windows.
Unsurpassed Durability of Steel
The fourth benefit of choosing steel windows is their lifecycle. Far above and beyond other construction materials, steel windows offer unsurpassed durability. In the United States there are many examples of steel windows, which after three generations, still remain quite functional. In fact, when these steel windows are replaced it is usually due to surface issues such as glazing, ventilator technology, or finishing not the general functionality of the window. In essence, steel windows effectively stand the test of time with far more grace and elegance than any other materials.
Excellent Fire Rating
The fifth reason to choose to windows is there excellent fire rating. Manufacturers of steel windows offer a variety of designs which are fire rated. This fire rating is confirmed by independent laboratory fire labels. If you are looking for excellent windows for any number of structures consider steel windows. Architects give steel windows the seal of approval for the narrow sight lines, their strength, their versatility, their lifecycle, and their fire rating. For more information please contact us.