Historical Renovation: Considerations for Art Collections

Historical renovation is known for bringing wonderful light into dark spaces, and new windows and doors that provide this light while keeping an interior environment comfortable are one of the greatest benefits that accrue to a home during a renovation. Homeowners and architects will consider the issues related to this increased light on art collections…

Steel Windows Are the Best Solution for a Long-Term Budget

Historical preservation sites are always vulnerable to shifts in public funding and popularity. Whether you’re renovating a historic building through donations funded by popular appeal or your county has dedicated specific funds to rebuild a site, allocating that money so you can finish the reconstruction well is essential. Here’s why steel windows fit the bill:…

Renovating Historic Buildings While Preserving Structural Integrity

Before steel became the universally accessible metal of choice for windows at the turn of the 20th century, most windows were made from wrought iron and wood. As cities and preservation organizations fight to keep historic buildings in good condition, these windows are some of the hardest elements to keep on-site while also protecting the…

Maintain the Authenticity of Your Historical Renovation with Steel Doors and Windows

Historical buildings have a signature style deep in their bones. Whether you want to preserve the particular style of the windows that were popular during the 1880’s or are focusing on the structural function of a door in everything from a city hall to an old bank to one of the first houses in a…